Choosing the right load-holding valve shouldn’t be a game of chance

Choosing the right load-holding valve shouldn’t be a game of chance.  And it shouldn’t be an hours-long project. Now with Sun’s QuickSelect LoadHolding™ selection tool, by answering a few quick questions, you can narrow your options from 184 load-holding models down to a handful of suitable options for your needs in a matter of minutes.

QuickSelect Stability vs EfficiencyUntil now, narrowing your choices has been more hit or miss based on characteristics of the valve rather than the demands of the application.  Now with QuickSelect LoadHolding, you can answer a few key questions about the application and see a short list of relevant valves organized by efficiency and stability (see illustration at right). And don’t worry if you can’t answer all the questions right away.  You’ll still get results based on what you can answer. Read on to learn more…or try QuickSelect LoadHolding now.

It’s easy to get started. First, identify whether you need to lock a load in place or modulate and control a load. 

Lock a load

If you need to lock a load in place, then answer a few key questions:

  • Is there backpressure?  If so, can a four-port valve be used?  If not, do you need a standard or sealed pilot?
  • What is the required flowrate?

And don’t worry if you don’t know the required flowrate.  We provide a calculator for that.  Depending on whether it’s a cylinder application or a motor application, you enter the information you do know (or should know) like pump flow rate and cylinder dimensions or motor speed and displacement.  We’ll do the math.

Modulate & control a load

Conversely, if you need to modulate and control a load, you answer a different set of questions:

  • What is the flowrate? Again if you’re unsure, a calculator is provided. 
  • What is the preferred valve setting (psi or bar)? 
  • Is there backpressure on port 2 back to tank?  If so, can you plumb a fourth line for the vent port?
  • What is the preferred pilot ratio?

Not sure about the valve setting? We have a calculator for that.  Identify whether your application is for rod up (retracting) or rod down (extending), and answer questions about load on the actuator and physical dimensions to get a suggested valve setting.  

Make a selection from the different pilot ratios that are available and estimate how much pilot pressure will be needed to operate your valve and control the load.  Concerned about how backpressure will impact your system? Estimate the backpressure and see how it will influence the pilot pressure required to operate your valve.

Once you’re happy with your setting and pilot ratio, use them to narrow your valve selection within QuickSelect and explore your recommendations.

Explore your recommendations

With a small list of recommended valves, you can click on the model code and go directly to the technical data for that valve.  To view another valve, close that product window and return to your calculated results and click on another model code.  No need to dive deep to find out more about each valve.  They’re all one click away.

Once you have the recommendations from the selector tool and you like what you see, you can capture your answers and your results by clicking on the “print” button.  This makes it easier to keep track of your calculations and the valves that meet your criteria.  Printed side by side, it makes a handy reference for your project. (See sample at right.)

Buy the right valve

If you still have questions or are unsure after using QuickSelect LoadHolding, your local distributor represents your best source of assistance in choosing the right load-holding solution for your application.  But whether you still have questions or you’re ready to buy, click the Where to Buy button to find your local authorized distributor for help with your next Sun Hydraulics solution.

Don’t take a chance with your next load-holding valve.  Use Sun’s QuickSelect LoadHolding selector tool.

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